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little theatre 1.(大學或藝術團體等實驗演出用的)小劇場。2.小劇場演...

little woman

Although wang mo - lin has concerned little theatre , body culture , performing art , and avant - garde art for a long time , he is concerned as well as a sign of troublesomeness , heresy , rabidity , and clamor 摘要王墨林長期對小劇場、身體文化、表演藝術、前衛藝術等議題的關注,但當藝文界人士談論起王氏時,總以難搞的、異端的、偏激的、大聲的、疾呼的將其刻板印象化、標簽符號化。

It was thus that the little theatre resounded to a babble of successful voices , the creak of fine clothes , the commonplace of good - nature , and all largely because of this man s bidding 就這樣,這小小的劇場里回響著這些春風得意人物的交談聲,考究的服裝發出的? ?聲,還有一般的表示善意的寒暄聲。

The seating capacity of this little theatre is just 700 , and many parents of the children at the school will no doubt wish to attend , so tickets will be very limited 這個小劇院僅能容納700人( 700人的劇院還小? ) ,而且許多孩子的父母無疑也希望能夠參加,因此門票將會非常緊張。

To be sure london was rather thin , but , however , the little theatre was open 老實說,倫敦雖然并不太熱鬧,不過那個小戲院還是開著。